Graduate Career Development

To help you realize your aspirations, our career development team works with you to identify meaningful strategies to meet your career goals. From the outset of your Elliott School education, we assist you in developing a career plan. That is followed by consistent interaction with our career coaches and participation in our support programs. Our services continue even after you complete your degree as Elliott School alumni can also take advantage of our services. Our career development team is at your disposal from admission to retirement!

Schedule a Career Coaching Appointment

GSS career coaches work with you in person, over the phone, or through virtual meetings on WebEx or Zoom.

Please note: Appointments can be 15 or 30 minutes long, excluding mock interviews and MBTI® assessments, which are one hour long. Students and alumni are limited to one appointment a week.


Topics to Discuss

  • Clarification of career goals
  • Resume and cover letter critiques
  • Networking tips
  • Job and internship search strategies
  • Compensation negotiation assistance
  • Job and internship advice for international students
  • Career coaching for mid-career professionals
  • Mock interviews
  • MBTI® assessments
Elliott School students mingle at a networking event


Schedule an Appointment!

Meet Your Career Coaches


Career Resources and Services

Professional Resources

Professional Resources

  • Professional Document Guidelines
  • Sample Resumes
  • Sample Cover Letters
  • Hiring cycle information
  • Order business cards

Professional Resources

Partnerships, fellowships and grants

Partnerships, Fellowships & Grants

Enhance your Elliott School experience by taking advantage of our partnerships and applying to fellowship and grant opportunities!

Partnerships, Fellowships & Grants


Professional Development Programs

The career development team at Graduate Student Services (GSS)' offers information sessions and career-networking panels throughout the academic year. These resources span many sectors and industries within international affairs. In addition, career coaches are available to conduct mock (practice) interviews with students to prepare them for a broad spectrum of opportunities.

site visit days
Career Workshops
Alumni & Career Networking

 Explore GSS Career Development Programs