Yasaman Sutton

Yasaman Sutton has served as a lawyer with the Federal government since 2005. She currently serves as Senior Counsel in the Office of Supervision at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Her prior roles were as Assistant General Counsel at the Department of Defense and the Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office of the President. At DoD, from 2005-2014, she served primarily in litigation, to include matters related to domestic national security prosecutions as well as matters involving international tribunals. At OMB, from 2014 to 2019, she served as the Alternate Designated Agency Ethics Official ("ADAEO"), to include throughout the Presidential Transition in 2017, managing the ethics issues for seven (7) in-coming Presidentially appointed officials in connection with Senate confirmations, and another 45 new political appointees. She has served as Ethics Counsel in the Office of the White House Counsel in two administrations (44 and 45), in 2014 and 2020/2021, to include during the transition of power in 2021. From 2019-2021, she had the special opportunity to serve the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as a member of the Senior Staff as a Senior Advisor to the Director and Counselor. All of her appointments have been in the Career Civil Service. At GWU, she teaches courses on the subjects of Formal Briefings, international law, and ethics in international institutions. She holds a B.A. with High Honors in English, History, and Near Eastern Studies from the University of Michigan, an A.M. in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University, and a J.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School.