Sina Azodi

Dr. Azodi's research interests include international security, nuclear nonproliferation, and U.S.-Iranian relations. His Doctoral dissertation "Iran's Nuclear Program: A Struggle for Security and Modernity" traces the evolution of Iran's nuclear program.
He previously worked as a research assistant at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Sina is also visiting scholar and a professorial lecturer of international affairs at The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, where he teaches a graduate course on Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East.
Dr. Azodi is a frequent commentator on both English- and Persian-speaking media, including BBC, Sky News, Al-Jazeera, TRT World, and i24. His analysis has appeared in Columbia University’s Journal of International Affairs, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Arms Control Association, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Middle East Institute, and has been quoted by the New York Times, Newsweek, Spiegel, and Forbes. Dr. Azodi has published the chapter “The Fusion of Politics and Religion in Iran” in the edited book Political Islam in the Gulf Region.
He earned his BA and MA in international affairs from the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University, and PhD from University of South Florida.
International Relations of the Middle East, Iranian Foreign Policy, U.S.-Iranian Relations, Nuclear non-proliferation, Iran's nuclear program, Iranian politics.
Dr. Azodi's current research involves exploring the roots of the Iranian nuclear program. His dissertation "Iran's Nuclear Program: A Struggle for Security Modernity " critically investigates the evolution of Iranian nuclear program since its inception in 1950s until 2015.
His book chapter "The Fusion of Religion and Politics in Iran" in "Political Islam in the Gulf Region" critically examines the role of religion in the Persian statecraft since the age of Sassanian Empire until the modern era.
B.A. George Washington University
M.A. George Washington University
Ph.D. University of South Florida
IAFF 6378 (3188) Iran in the Middle East
PSC 6489 (2993) Politics of Modern Iran
PSC 2478 International Relations of the Middle East
PSC-2449 International Security