Robert J. Weiner

Robert J. Weiner
Professor of International Business, Public Policy and Public Administration, and International Affairs
Full-time Faculty
Dr. Robert J. Weiner teaches international finance, economics, and strategy. He received his PhD in 1986, and has been at GW since 1994, serving as Chairman of the International Business Department 2001-2005 and 2013-2016, and Director of the ESIA MA Program in International Trade and Investment Policy (ITIP) 2016-2018.
Political economy of energy security; oil & conflict; energy crises; resource nationalism; and US-Chinese competition for oil
Ph.D., Harvard University
- “The event study in international business research: opportunities, challenges, and practical solutions” (with L. Eden, S. Miller, S. Khan, D. Li), Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming.
- “Leviathan as Foreign Investor: Sovereign Wealth Funds and Geopolitics” (with D. Wang, Q. Li, and S. Jandhyala), Journal of International Business Studies 52, September 2021: 1238–1255
- “State Ownership and Transparency in Foreign Direct Investment” (with A. Cannizzaro), Journal of International Business Studies 49, February 2018: 172-195
- “Multinational Investment and Voluntary Disclosure: Project-Level Evidence from the Petroleum Industry” (with A. Cannizzaro), Accounting, Organizations and Society 42, April 2015: 32-47
- “Institutions sans Frontières: International Agreements and Foreign Investment” (with S. Jandhyala), Journal of International Business Studies 45, August 2014: 649-669
- "Who Bribes?: Evidence from the UN Oil-for-Food Program" (with Y. Jeong), Strategic Management Journal, 2012.
- "Conflict and Corruption in International Trade: Who Helped Iraq United Nations Sanctions?" (with Y. Jeong), in International Handbook on the Economics of Corruption, Volume Two (S. Rose-Ackerman and T. Søreide, eds.), Edward Elgar, 2011.
- "Resource Nationalism Meets the Market: Political Risk and the Value of Petroleum Reserves" (with R. Click), Journal of International Business Studies, 41:5, June/July 2010.
- "How do International Crises Affect Trade in Oil?," Resources 162, Summer 2006.
- "Speculation in International Crises: Report from the Gulf," Journal of International Business Studies (2005) 36, 576–587. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400158.