Renata Avelar Giannini

Renata Avelar Giannini
Associate Professor of Practice of International Affairs, and Assistant Dean for Executive Education and Special Initiatives
Full-time Faculty
Dr. Renata Giannini currently focuses her research on the intersection of gender, conflict and climate change. For the past 16 years she has been a researcher and practitioner working in think tanks in Argentina, Brazil and the United States, where she has been able to influence public policies in areas related to public safety, gender equality, sustainable development and democratic transformation. She has authored and co-authored over 40 publications, including policy briefs, peer-reviewed articles, and book chapters, and is widely recognized as an expert on the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Latin America and more specifically in Brazil, where she has been a member of the interministerial group responsible for elaborating and implementing Brazil's two National Action Plans on the agenda since 2017.
Dr. Giannini has extensive experience in transforming data into information for key stakeholders, including data visualizations platforms and live infographics. In Brazil, she was responsible for envisioning the biggest publicly available database on violence against women (EVA - Evidence on Violence and Alternatives to women and girls) and routinely wrote for the general public in mainstream media outlets. Dr. Giannini has consulted with international organizations and development banks, including UN Women, the World Bank, and CAF - Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean. Finally, she is also a lead Associate at Gender Associations, a consulting firm based in Berlin, Germany, providing technical expertise and support to national governments and international organizations on strengthening gender equality.
Dr. Giannini was a Wilson Center fellow in 2023-2024 and worked for the Igarapé Institute, a think and do tank focused on the climate, digital and public security agenda for over 10 years. She also worked for the Latin America and Defense and Security Network (RESDAL) for over five years and routinely consults with these organizations.
gender studies; international security; climate and environmental change
2023-2024 Wilson Center International Competition Fellowship
2009-2013 Fulbright scholar
2006-2008 CAPES scholar
2003-2005 PIBIC/CNPq young scholar
Her current research focuses on the critical role of women in protecting the Amazon biome and their contributions to mitigating climate change. Through a feminist political ecology framework, she highlights the disproportionate burden borne by women, particularly Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities, amidst socio-environmental conflicts in the region. In addition, her work maps and analyzes women-led initiatives that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, emphasizing their tangible impact and potential for scaling up. The project examines the outcomes of 15 land and water conflicts in the Amazon involving women, assessing the strategies employed by these women defenders through methodologies such as process tracing, in-depth interviews, and a survey instrument.
2009-2013 Ph.D., International Studies. Graduate Program of International Studies, Old Dominion University, Norfolk/VA, United States
Dissertation Title: Promoting gender and building peace: evolving norms and international practices.
2006- 2008 M.A., International Relations Programa de Pós-Graduação San Tiago Dantas (UNESP-UNICAMP -PUC/SP), Brazil.
Thesis Title: The United Nations and the challenge of Humanitarian interventions.
2002- 2006 B.A., International Relations. Department of Social Sciences and International Politics, Universidade estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil.
Journal Articles
Renata A. Giannini; Abreu, P.; Lima, M. “Brazil and UN Security Council Resolution 1325: Progress and Challenges of the Implementation Process,” PRISM, vol. 1, n. 6, 2016. Available online.
Tamya Rebelo; Giannini, R. "Considerações sobre a participação do Brasil em operações de paz na África: oportunidades para a promoção da igualdade de gênero".[Considerations about Brazil's Participation in peace operations in Africa: opportunities to promote gender equality]. Revista Arte 21, 2014. Available online.
S.K. Matthias, A.C. Guzzi, Renata A. Giannini, “Aspectos da integração regional em defesa no Cone Sul.” [Aspects on regional integration of the Southern Cone in defense issues], Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, v. 51, p. 69-86, 2008. Available online.
Book Chapters
Renata A. Giannini et al. "O sistema de mérito no Brasil e no mundo" [ The merit system in Brazil's public service and around the world] IN: Campagnat, V. Lotta, G. República em Notas. Editora Cobogó, 2023.
Renata A. Giannini et al. "Recomendações para fortalecer o sistema de mérito do serviço público"[Recommendations to strengthen the merit system in the public service in Brazil]. IN: Champagnat, V. Lotta, G. República em Notas. Editora Cobogó, 2023.
Renata A. Giannini. "ODS 5: Alcançar a igualdade de gênero e empoderar todas as mulheres e meninas". [SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls]. IN Menezes, Henrique Zeferino. Os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável e as relações internacionais. [ The sustainable development goals and international relations] Editora UFPB, 2019.
Renata A. Giannini; McNamee, P.; Miranda, Giovanna. “Fragile cities and gender-based violence: the case of Rio de Janeiro” IN Lacey, Anita. Women, Urbanization and Sustainability: Practices of Survival, Adaptation and Resistance. Palgrave McMillan, 2017.
Renata A. Giannini; Kalil, M.S.; “Gênero nas Forças Armadas” [Gender in the Armed Forces]. IN Saint-Pierre H.L.; Vitelli, M. G. Dicionário de segurança e defesa. São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 2018.
Renata A. Giannini, “Violencia y Seguridad Pública en América Latina: el desafío institucional” [Violence and security in Latin America: an institutional challenge], IN: Marcela Donadio, La reconstrucción de la seguridad nacional: Defensa, democracia y cuestión militar en América Latina, Buenos Aires: Prometeo Libros, 2010.
Renata A. Giannini, “Uma análise conceitual acerca das emergências complexas e a atuação das Nações Unidas” [a conceptual analysis about complex emergencies and the United Nations]. IN: Eduardo Svartman, Maria Celina D`Araujo, Samuel A. Soares (Org.). Defesa, Segurança Internacional e Forças Armadas. 1 ed. Campinas-SP: Mercado de Letras, 2009.
Other Publications (English)
Renata A. Giannini; et al. “Challenges and recommendations for the Amazon through the voices of women defenders of human rights and the environment.” Colombia. Igarape Institute. Available online.
Renata A. Giannini; et al. “Challenges and recommendations for the Amazon through the voices of women defenders of human rights and the environment.” Peru. Igarape Institute. Available online.
Renata A. Giannini; Camila N. Godoy. “Challenges and recommendations for the Amazon through the voices of women defenders of human rights and the environment.” Brazil. Igarape Institute. (Oct/2023). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini; Pereira, P. "Building Brazil's National Action Plan: lessons learned and opportunities". LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security Working Paper Series (24/2020). Centre for Women Peace and Security, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK. Available online.
Renata A. Giannini; Aguirre, K.; de Sola, I. “Urban Security Exchange: Data, Design and Innovation for Urban Security”. Igarapé Institute StrategicArticle (Jun/2018). Available online.
Renata Giannini; Maj.Ivana Mara Ferreira da Costa. “Brazil’s incorporating a gender perspective in MINUSTAH”. In: Eduarda Hamann; Cel. Carlos Augusto Ramires Teixeira. Brazil’s participation in MINUSTAH (2004-2017): perceptions, lessons and practices for future missions. Special Edition (Out/2017). Available online.
Maiara Folly; Renata Giannini. "Achieving Gender Equality: best practices for the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda". Igarapé Institute Strategic Note (Mar/2017). Available online.
Helen Moestue; Giannini, R. Aguirre, K. "When kids call the shots: Testing a Child Security Index in Recife, Brazil”. Igarapé Institute Strategic Article, (nov/2015). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini; Abreu, P.; Lima, M. “Implementing UNSCR 1325 in Brazil: surmounting challenges and promoting gender equality”. Igarapé Institute Strategic Note, (Oct/2015). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini. “Where is Latin America? Reflections on Peace, Security, Justice and Governance in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda”. Igarapé Institute Strategic Article, (Oct/2015). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini; Vermeij L. “Women, Peace and Security - Gender Challenges within UN Peacekeeping Missions”. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Policy Brief 4, (Aug/2014). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini. Promoting Gender and Building Peace: Evolving Norms and International Practices. Ph.D. Dissertation. Virginia: Old Dominion University, 2013. Summary here.
Renata A. Giannini, In the Crossroads: Haiti, MINUSTAH and the International Community, Buenos Aires: RESDAL, 2011. Available online.
Foreign Language Publications
Renata A. Giannini; Lins, Igor. "Como os ataques ao serviço público se tornaram parte do processo de erosão da democracia no Brasil." [ How attacks to public servants contributed to democratic erosion in Brazil] República em Notas (Mar/2023).
Renata A. Giannini. “Enfrentamiento de la violencia contra las mujeres”. [Confronting violence against women]. Igarape Institute Strategic Article 62 (Oct/2023). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini “Enfrentando la violencia contra las mujeres a traves de politicas de movilidad.” [Addressing violence against women through mobility policies]. Igarape Institute (Oct/2023). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini; Denise Hirao. "Identificar desigualdades para planejar uma paz duradoura no Brasil". [Identifying inequalities to plan a sustainable peace in Brazil]. Advocacy Paper. Gender Associations (Dec/2020). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini (et al). "Violência contra mulheres: como a pandemia calou um fenômeno silencioso". [Violence against women: how the pandemic muted a silent phenomenon] Igarapé Institute Strategic Article 51 (Dec/2020). Available online.
Ilona Szabo; Renata A. Giannini; et al. "Reforma na Política de Drogas nas Américas."[Drug policy reform in the Americas]. Igarapé Institute Strategic Article. (Jul/2020). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini (et al). "Mulheres brasileiras em operações de paz". [Brazilian women in peace operations]. Igarapé Institute Strategic Article (Jan/2020). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini; Muggah, R. “Homicide Reduction in São Paulo: what worked and why?” IN: UNODC, Global Study on Homicide. 2019 edition.
Renata A. Giannini; Coelho, T. H. "Evidências sobre Violências e Alternativas para mulheres e meninas no Brasil, na Colômbia e no México” [Evidence on Violence and Alternatives for women and girls in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico]. Igarapé Institute Strategic Article (Jan/2020). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini; Tinoco, D. "Trabalho e liberdade: por que emprego e renda para mulheres podem interromper ciclos de violência? ". [Work and Freedom: why job opportunities and income to women can interrupt cycles of violence] Igarapé Institute Strategic Article (Oct/2019). Available online.
Igarapé Institute; UN Women. “Gênero e Emergências Humanitárias”. [Gender in humanitarian emergencies] Training Manual (Feb/2019).
Renata A. Giannini (et al). “A agenda sobre mulheres, paz e segurança no contexto latino-americano: desafios e oportunidades”. [The women, peace and security agenda in the Latin American context: challenges and opportunities]. Igarapé Institute Strategic Article (Mar/2018). Available online.
Igarapé Institute; UN Women. “Formação de facilitadores. Gênero e mulheres, paz e segurança.” [Train of Trainers. Gender and women, peace and security]. Training Manual (Mar/2018). Available online.
Renata Giannini; Cláudia de Moraes; Marcelo Diaz. "Gênero, justiça e segurança no Brasil e na Colômbia: como prevenir e tratar da violência contra mulheres?” [Gender, justice and security in Brazil and Colombia: how to prevent and address violence against women] Igarapé Institute Strategic Article (Mar/2018). Available online.
Renata Giannini; Maiara Folly; Mariana Lima. "Situações Extraordinárias: a inclusão de mulheres na linha de frente das forças armadas". [Special situations: the inclusion of women in ground combat in the military] Igarapé Institute Strategic Article (Aug/2017).
Renata A. Giannini (et al.) “Infância e Segurança: um estudo sobre a percepção da violência por crianças e adolescentes do Complexo do Muquiço, Rio de Janeiro”. [Childhood and security: an analysis about children and teenager`s perception of violence at Muquiço, Rio de Janeiro] Igarapé Institute Strategic Article (Jul/2016). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini. “Construindo Planos Nacionais Eficazes: uma coletânea de boas-práticas”. [Building effective national action plans: a collection of best practices] Igarapé Institute Strategic Article (Mar/2016). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini. “Promover gênero e construir a paz: a experiência brasileira”. [Promoting gender and building peace: the Brazilian experience] Igarapé Institute Strategic Article, (Set/2014). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini, “A inserção de civis brasileiros no Sistema ONU: Oportunidades e desafios” [The inclusion of Brazilian civilians in the UN System: Challenges and opportunities], Igarapé Institute Strategic Note, (Jan/2014). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini, “Género, Fuerzas Armadas y policía: la participación del Cono Sur en operaciones de Paz”, In: Marcela Donadio, Cecilia Mazzota, La Mujer en las instituciones armadas y policiales: Resolución 1325 y Operaciones de Paz en América Latina, Buenos Aires: RESDAL, 2009. Available online.
Selected Op-eds:
Renata Giannini and Igor Lins. "O medo não vencerá a democracia". [The fear will not win over democracy]. Correio Brasiliense, June 6th, (2022). Available online.
Renata Giannini. "Na Amazônia, as mulheres nascem defensoras." [In the Amazon, women are born defenders]. O Liberal.
Renata Giannini. "Lei Maria da Penha: controle de armas de fogo também protege mulheres" [Maria da Penha Law: arms control protects women] UOL Universa, August 8th, (2021). Available online.
Renata Giannini and Maria Eduarda Assis. "Para construção de uma democracia sólida, uma limpa em entulhos autoritários"[To build a solid democracy, it is necessary to clean up authoritarian clutter]. El País, May 16th, 2021. Available online.
Renata Giannini and Maria Eduarda Assis. "O espaço cívico sob ameaça". [The civic space under threat] O Globo, May 3rd, (2021). Available online.
Renata Giannini and Eva Ferenczi. "O que os governos estaduais estão fazendo para pôr fim à violência contra mulheres?"[What are state governments doing to end violence against women?] Agência Patrícia Galvão, March 3rd, (2021). Available online.
Renata Giannini; Tinoco D.; Husek T. “Gênero e raça vulneráveis à violência.” [Gender and race and vulnerability to violence] O Globo. November 20th, 2019. Available online.
Renata Giannini. "Promoting Women’s Safety in Latin America."IPS Inter Press News Service. 13 August 2019. Available online.
Robert Muggah; Spencer Chainey; Renata Giannini "Reducing Homicide in Brazil: Insights Into What Works". Americas Quarterly. 14th April 2019. Available online.
Robert Muggah; Giannini, R. “Brazil is tackling murder rates with a new wave of crime programs”. Apolítico, March 25th, (2019). Available online.
Robert Muggah; Pellegrino, A.; Tinoco, D.; Giannini, R. “Rio de Janeiro´s Militia Are on the Rise (Again)”, OpenDemocracy, 22 May, (2018). Available online.
Maiara Folly; Lobato, L.; Porto, C. V.; Rocha, M. G.; Pellegrino, A. P.; Giannini R. . Paz e segurança para as mulheres latino-americanas. [Peace and Security to Latin American Women] Folha de São Paulo, June 20th, (2018).
Renata Giannini; Tinoco, D; Folly, D.; Dos Ramos, M.; Pellegrino, A.P. Estratégias sustentáveis para mulheres fortes [Sustainable strategies to strong women]. Jornal do Brasil. March 9th, 2018.
Renata Giannini; Pellegrino, A.P.; Tinoco D.; dos Ramos, M. “Reconhecer os progressos para seguirmos caminhando juntos e juntas.” [Recognizing progress to moving forward together] El País. March 8th, (2018). Available online.
Renata Giannini. "La igualdad de género puede promover el desarrollo y la reducción de la violencia"” [Gender equality can promote development and reduce violence] El Factum. January 18th, (2018). Available online.
Evelyne Coulombe; Giannini, R.; Folly, M. “A igualdade de gênero é boa para a segurança e o desenvolvimento econômico. Então, por que ela não é uma prioridade?” [Gender equality is good for security and economic development. Then, Why isn’t it a priority?] Le Monde Diplomatique. September 7th, (2017). Available online.
Robert Muggah; Giannini, R. “The New Sustainable Development Goals Advocate for Peace. Is Brazil Listening?”, Open Democracy, 8 August, (2017). Available online.
Katherine Aguirre; Giannini, R.; Abdenur, A. “Más que víctimas o negociadoras: las mujeres en la paz” [They are not just victims or negotiators: the women dedicated to Peace], Razón Pública, May, 17th (2017). Available online.
Katherine Aguirre; Giannini, R. “La igualdad de género: el punto en común para la paz en Colombia” [Gender equality: a common trait to Peace in Colombia]. Las2Orillas, March 24th, (2017). Available online.
Robert Muggah; Giannini, R.; Aguirre, K. “It's Really Hard to Say Which is the World's Most Murderous City", Global Post, February 26th (2016). Available online.
Ilona Szabó, I.; Pellegrino, A. P.; Ramos, M.; Giannini, R. Napolião; P. Folly, M. “Dia Internacional da Mulher: uma outra história.” [International Women’s Day: a different story] Revista Trip, March 8th, (2015). Available online.
Renata Giannini; Folly, M. Pereira, P. Lima, M. “Brasil promove a igualdade de gênero como caminho para a paz.” [Brazil promotes gender equality as a path to peace]. O Estado de S. Paulo, October 29th, (2015). Available online.
Renata Giannini; Muggah R. Aguirre, K.; McNamee, P. “A epidemia de violência na AL e no Brasil.” [The violence epidemic in Latin America and in Brazil] Valor Econômico. 2015.
Renata Giannini; Pellegrino, A.P. “A (des)igualdade de gênero.” [Gender (in)equality] Estadão Noite, November 14th (2014). Available online.
Renata Giannini; Muggah, R. "Using New Technology to Give Voice to the Voiceless", Huffington Post, May 1st, (2014). Available online.
Renata Giannini; Muggah, R. (2014) "A participação infantil na luta contra a violência" [Promoting children’s participation in the fight against violence], Brasilpost, April 30th (2014).
Renata Giannini. “A violência sexual em situações de conflito e o papel do Brasil.” [Conflict-related sexual violence and Brazil’s role] Brasil Post, June 19th, (2014). Available online.
Renata A. Giannini. “Women, Peace and Security: A Latin American perspective.” Americas Quarterly, Summer 2012. Available online.
Blog posts
Renata Giannini; Wiley, Caitlin. “In Parts of Latin America, You Take Your Life in Your Hands to Defend the Environment”. Weekly Asado. Latin American Program. Wilson Center. January 19th, 2024. Available online.
Renata Giannini; Abreu. P. "Building Brazil's National Action Plan: lessons learned and opportunities". LSE Blogs. March 3rd, 2020. Available online.
Satoshi Ogita; Giannini, R.; Domingues K. “Gender equality hits the highway in Northern Brazil”. Transport for development blog. August 23rd (2017). Available online.
Robert Muggah, Giannini R.; Hannah. “How do Brazilian kids feel?” Know violence in childhood. 16 September 2016. Available online.
Renata Giannini; Aguirre, K. “Qué nos dicen los números de la violência contra la mujer?” [What do the number say about violence against women?] Blog BID Sin Miedo. March 8th, (2016). Available online.
Georgetown Institute for Women Peace and Security. Blog. An Interview with Dr. Renata Giannini. 12 November 2015. Available online.
New Security Beat. New Security Broadcast. The Arc | Dr. Renata Giannini on Women Environmental Defenders in the Amazon and Climate Mitigation. April 23rd, 2024. Available online.
Você Pode Mudar o Mundo. Claudelice dos Santos: ativismo feminino contra a violência no campo.[Claudelice Santos: feminist activism against violence in rural areas]. April, 2022.Available online.