Raquel Sofia Rodrigues Rosa Machaqueiro

Raquel Sofia Rodrigues Rosa Machaqueiro
Professorial Lecturer
Part-time Faculty
Raquel R. Machaqueiro is an anthropologist (BA, FCSH-Nova University, Portugal; MA, ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute, Portugal; MA and PhD George Washington University). Her research focuses on transnational governance and policymaking, development and environmental policies, science and technology studies, and the transatlantic slave trade. She has developed fieldwork in Brazil and Mozambique. Currently, she works with the Slave Wrecks Project as a postdoctoral associate in the Anthropology Department, conducting research on the financial basis of the Portuguese slave trade, and leading community-engagement initiatives in Portugal about racism, cultural heritage, and diversity & inclusion. She is also a lecturer in International Development, and Human Rights & Ethics at the Elliot School of International Affairs. She is the author of The Carbon Calculation: Global Climate Policy, Forests, and Transnational Governance in Brazil and Mozambique (University of Arizona Press, 2023).
Transnational governance and policymaking, international development, environmental policies, science and technology studies, the transatlantic slave trade
Networks of Lisbon slave traders and their connections to maritime insurance and other financial institutions; colonial forestry practices and current environmental conservation interventions.
BA in Cultural Anthropology, FCSH-Nova University Lisbon, Portugal (1996-2000)
MA, in Anthropology (Colonialism and post-colonialism) ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute, Portugal (2000-2003)
MA, in Cultural Anthropology, GWU (2012-2015)
PhD, in Cultural Anthropology, GWU (2012-2019)
International Development Theory, Policy & Practice
Human Rights & Ethics
Under review: Lovegrove, Sofia and Raquel Rodrigues Machaqueiro. “Contesting monuments in Portugal: divergent approaches to dealing with colonial past and its legacies today” for a Special Issue on Contested Monuments in the Journal of Historical Geography.
Machaqueiro, Raquel Rodrigues. 2019. “Environmentality by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: neoliberal ethos and the production of environmental subjects.” Environment and Planning E (special issue coords. Robert Fletcher, Wageningen University & José A. Cortes-Vazquez, University of A Coruña). DOI:10.1177/2514848619835134
Machaqueiro, Raquel. 2017. “The Semiotics of Carbon: Atmospheric Space, Fungibility, and the Production of Scarcity.” Economic Anthropology, Vol. 4 pp. 82-93.
Machaqueiro, Raquel Rodrigues. 2023 The Carbon Calculation: Global Climate Policy, Forests, and Transnational Governance in Brazil and Mozambique. Tucson: Arizona University Press.
Book chapters – Peer-Reviewed
Machaqueiro, Raquel Rodrigues. 2022. “Persistent Connections and Exclusions: from colonial anxieties to contemporary discourses about the environment” in Global Power and Local Struggles in Developing Countries: Contemporary Perspectives on Europe and the People Without History, by Eric R. Wolf at 40. Brill Publishers.
Machaqueiro, Raquel Rodrigues & Roy Richard Grinker. 2019. “Environmental Anthropology in Africa: From Cattle Complex to Environmentality” in Grinker, R.R.; Lubkemann, S.; Steiner, S. & Gonçalves, E. A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa. Wiley Blackwell Publishers.