Olivia Dunn

Olivia Dunn headshot

Olivia Dunn

Admissions Coordinator

Department: Graduate Admissions


Email: Olivia Dunn
Office Phone: (202) 994-7050
The Elliott School of International Affairs Foggy Bottom Campus 1957 E Street, NW, 301 Washington DC 20052

Olivia Dunn is the Admissions Coordinator for ESIA Graduate Admissions. She is in her second year of the International Education MA at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development with a focus in Education in Emergencies. Olivia previously received her BA in International Studies from Northern Michigan University, studying in both the US and Germany. She is passionate about the intersection between academia and global impact. Olivia is originally from the Metro-Detroit area. In her free time, she can be found at your local indie bookstore, museum hopping, or journaling at a coffee shop.