Alfredo Mario Leone

Alfredo Mario Leone
Professorial Lecturer
Part-time Faculty
Alfredo M. Leone was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He took undergraduate studies at the University of Buenos Aires and earned his Masters and Ph.D. degrees in economics at the University of Minnesota (USA). He worked at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 1988 until his retirement in September 2014. Prior to joining the Fund, he was the Director of the Center for Monetary and Banking Studies at the Central Bank of Argentina and Professor of Money, Credit, and Banking at the School of Economics at the Universtiy of Buenos Aires. After retirement, he has been a Visiting Scholar at the IMF. HE has authored and co-authored a number of papers on central banking, financial stability and crises, inflation targeting, and official statistics.
International economics, central banking, financial stability and crises, official statistics.
BA in Economics, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
MA in Economics, University of Minnesota, United States
Ph.D in Economics, University of Minnesota, United States
International Economics
International Banking
• Alfredo M. Leone, Jorge Canales Kriljenko and Rodolfo Maino: The Long and Widening Gap: Analyzing Structural Breaks in Argentina’s Economic Decline. Int Adv Econ Res 29, 243–259 (2023).
• Adelheid Burgi-Schmelz and Alfredo M. Leone: It All Falls into Place, Finance and Development, September 2012, Vol. 49, No. 3,
• Adelheid Burgi-Schmelz, Alfredo M. Leone, Robert Heath, and Andrew Kitili: Enhancing information on financial stability, Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics Bulletin, No. 34, November 2011:
• Alfredo M. Leone: Data and the Crisis: Gaps, Initiatives and Challenges, Central Banking, Quarterly Journal, Volume XXI, Number 2, November 2010.
• Alfredo M. Leone: The Balance Sheet Approach: Data Needs, Data on Hand, and Data Gaps, International Conference: Statistics - Investment in the Future 2, Prague, September 14-15, 2009:
• Alfredo M. Leone: Statistics for the Balance Sheet Approach, Conference on “Bond Markets in Emerging Market Economies and Developing Countries: Financial Globalisation, Vulnerabilities, and data Needs,” Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt am Main, January 31-February 1, 2008.
• Alfredo M. Leone: Challenges and Risks Arising from Globalization of Financial and Capital Markets: Statistical Implications, 2nd. Kyoto International Seminar: Economic Information Sharing Mechanism of the Asia-Pacific (EiSMAP), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and Kyoto University, October 25-26, 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
• Alfredo M. Leone: Current Challenges and the Future of Central Bank Statistics: The IMF Perspective, Central Banking, Annual Training Course, Windsor, UK. Lecturer since 2005:
• Anne-Marie Gulde, David Hoelscher, Alain Ize, Alfredo Leone, David Marston, and Marina Moretti: Dealing with Banking Crises in Dollarized Economies; in Managing Financial Crises: Recent Experience and Lessons for Latin America; Edited by Charles Collyns and G. Russell Kincaid; IMF Occasional Paper No. 217; 2003:
• Mario I. Bléjer, Alfredo M. Leone, Pau Rabanal, Gerd Schwartz: El objetivo de inflación en el contexto de los programas de ajuste apoyados por el FMI; BOLETIN / CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS MONETARIOS LATINO-AMERICANOS (INTERNATIONAL); 48, No. 1:16-29, January-March 2002.
• Stefan Ingves, Alfredo M. Leone, Paul Hilbers, and Mark O'Brien: Assessing Financial Sector Soundness: The Role of the IMF; in Financial Risks, Stability and Globalization, Omotunde Johnson (editor), International Monetary Fund, April 2002:
• Pau Rabanal, Mario I. Blejer, Alfredo Mario Leone, and Gerd Schwartz: Inflation Targeting in the Context of IMF-Supported Adjustment Programs, IMF Working Papers 01/31, International Monetary Fund.
Also, published in:
• Mario I. Blejer & Alfredo M. Leone & Pau Rabanal & Gerd Schwartz, 2001. Inflation Targeting in the Context of IMF-Supported Adjustment Programs, Working Papers Central Bank of Chile 116, Central Bank of Chile.
• Mario I. Blejer, Alfredo M. Leone, Pau Rabanal, and Gerd Schwartz: Inflation targeting in the context of IMF-supported adjustment programs; IMF STAFF PAPERS / INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (INTERNATIONAL); 49, No. 3:313-38, 2002:
• Norman Loayza & Raimundo Soto (eds.), 2002: Inflation Targeting: Design, Performance, Challenges, Central Bank of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
• Mario I. Blejer, Alain Ize, Alfredo M. Leone, and Sergio Werlang (editors): Inflation Targeting in Practice: Strategic and Operational Issues and Application to Emerging Market Economies; International Monetary Fund; 2000.
• Owen Evans, Alfredo M. Leone, Mahinder Gill, and Paul Hilbers: Macroprudential indicators of financial system soundness; Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 2000; Occasional Paper No. 192.
• May Y. Khamis and Alfredo M. Leone: Can currency demand be stable under a financial crisis? : the case of Mexico; Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, Monetary and Exchange Affairs Department, 1999; IMF working paper ; WP/99/53.
• Published also in International Monetary Fund; Staff Papers; Volume 48, Number 2; December 2001:
• Alfredo M. Leone: Institutional and operational aspects of central bank losses; Monetary and Exchange Affairs Department; Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund; 1993; IMF paper on policy analysis and assessment; PPAA/93/14; September 1993.
• Published also in Frameworks for Monetary Stability; Tomás J. T. Baliño and Carlo Cotarelli (editors); International Monetary Fund; 1994.
• Juan Carlos de Pablo with the collaboration of Alfredo Mario Leone and Alfonso José Martínez: Macroeconomía; 1st. edition; México; Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1991; Sección de obras de economía.
• Juan Pérez-Campanero and Alfredo M. Leone: Liberalization and financial crisis in Uruguay (1974-1987); Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, Central Banking Dept., 1991; IMF working paper ; WP/91/30.
• Published also in Banking Crises: Cases and Issues; V. Sundararajan and Tomás J. T. Baliño; International Monetary Fund; 1991.
• Alfredo M. Leone: Effectiveness and Implications of Limits on Central Bank Credit to the Government; in The Evolving Role of Central Banks; Patrick Downes and Reza Vaez-Zadeh (editors); International Monetary Fund; 1991.
• Leone, Alfredo M.: Un esquema metodológico para la programación financiera; MONETARIA; CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS MONETARIOS LATINOAMERICANOS (INTERNATIONAL); 11:131-57 April-June 1988.
• Ricardo H. Arriazu, Alfredo M. Leone and Ricardo H. López Murphy: Políticas Macroeconómicas y Endeudamiento Privado: Aspectos Analíticos; published in Deuda Interna y Estabilidad Financiera; Carlos Massad and Roberto Zahler (editors); Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL); Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el desarrollo (PNUD); Grupo Editor Latinoamericana; 1987.
• Leone Alfredo M.: Variabilidad de precios relativos en modelos de generaciones superpuestas; Asociación Argentina de Economía Política; Anales; Año XXXII - No. 1 Enero/Junio 1986.
• Dueñas, Daniel E. and Leone, Alfredo M.: Relaciones de causalidad entre la tasa de interés y la base monetaria; ENSAYOS ECONOMICOS (ARGENTINA); No. 34:1-17 June 1985.
• Leone, Alfredo M.: Inflation and the Relative Price of Durable and Non-Durable Goods in Overlapping Generations Models; University of Minnesota; Department of Economics; Graduate Program; 1983.