Ashish Kumbhat, BBA ’11

Ashish Kumbhat, BBA ’11
Managing Director, Financial Institutions Group, Bank of America Securities, New York
Joined Fall 2019
Ashish Kumbhat is a Managing Director in the Financial Institutions Group at Bank of America Securities. He has led a wide range of transactions across the sector, including mergers and acquisitions, capital raisings, cross-border situations and balance sheet restructuring assignments.
Prior to joining BofA, Ashish was on the staff of the Monetary Affairs Division of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. He regularly advised the Board of Governors and Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC) on a broad range of topics at the intersection of financial markets, monetary policy and financial stability. Ashish also participated in various international working groups at the BIS Committee's on Banking Supervision and Global Financial System. While at the Fed, Ashish was appointed as a Member of the Secretariat for the G20 Financial Stability Board (FSB) in Switzerland.
Ashish has published on topics related to monetary policy and banking regulation, and completed his undergraduate degree at the George Washington University, where he serves on the Board of Advisors for the Elliott School of International Affairs.