Michael D. Bradley

Michael D. Bradley
Professor of Economics and International Affairs
Full-time Faculty
Professor Bradley has been teaching in the economics department for 25 years. He received his PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While at GW, he has published over 50 articles and has won awards for his research (e.g. Richard D. Irwin Distinguished Paper Award) and his teaching (e.g. Trachtenberg Prize for Excellence in Teaching). His primary areas of research are non-linear time series techniques, optimal monetary policy, cost function estimation, and postal economics. In addition, Professor Bradley actively works with students in and out of the classroom. He has, for example, served on more than 50 dissertation committees.
Macroeconomic theory and practice, applied econometrics, nonlinear estimation
Ph.D., University of North Carolina
ECON 2102 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 3505 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory I
ECON 3506 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory II
ECON 6217 Survey of Economics (Intermediate Microeconomic Theory)
ECON 6218 Survey of Economics (Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory)
ECON 8324 Monetary Policy
ECON 8305 Seminar: Macroeconomics