Marlene Laruelle

Marlene Laruelle
Research Professor of International Affairs and Political Science, Director of the Illiberalism Studies Program
Research Faculty
Marlene Laruelle works on the rise of populist and illiberal movements in post-Soviet Eurasia, Europe and the US. Trained in political philosophy, she explores how nationalism and conservative values are becoming mainstream in different cultural contexts. She focuses on Russia's ideological landscape and its outreach abroad. She has been also working on Central Asia's nationhood and regional environment, as well as on Russia's Arctic policy. She is the former Director of the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES) and of the Central Asia Program (CAP).
Political theory, ideology, nationalism, far right, illiberalism, great power competition, Russia, Europe, Arctic, Central Asia
2021 — Is Russia Fascist? Unraveling Propaganda East and West (Cornell University Press).
2020 — Memory Politics and the Russian Civil War. Reds versus Whites (Bloomsbury, with Margarita Karnysheva).
2018 — Russian Nationalism. Imaginaries, Doctrines and Political Battlefields, London: Routledge.
2018 — Understanding Russia. The Challenges of Transformation, Lanham, Boulder, New York: Rowman & Littlefield, co-authored with Jean Radvanyi.
2014 — Russia’s Arctic Strategies and the Future of the Far North, New York: M.E. Sharpe.
2013 — Globalizing Central Asia. Geopolitics and the Challenges of Economic Development New York: M.E. Sharpe, co-authored with Sebastien Peyrouse.
2012 — The ‘Chinese Question’ in Central Asia. Domestic Order, Social Changes and the Chinese Factor London, New York: Oxford University Press, and Hurst, co-authored with Sebastien Peyrouse.
2009 — In the Name of the Nation. Nationalism and Politics in Contemporary Russia New York: Palgrave/MacMillan.
2008 — Russian Eurasianism. An Ideology of Empire, Washington D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Press/Johns Hopkins University Press, paperback 2011.
Edited Volumes
2019 — The Nazarbayev Generation. Youth in Kazakhstan (Lanham, MD: Lexington).
2018 — Entangled Far Rights. A Russian-European Intellectual Romance in the 20th century, Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press.
2018 — Tajikistan on the Move. Statebuilding and Societal Transformations. Lanham, MD: Lexington.
2018 — Mass Media in the Post-Soviet World. Market Forces, State Actors, and Political Manipulation in the Informational Environment after Communism. Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag, with Peter Rollberg.
2018 — Being Muslim in Central Asia: Practices, Politics, and Identities. London and Leiden: Brill.
Journal Articles
2021 — “A New Wave of Research on Civilizational Politics,” Nationalities Papers, co-authored with Henry Hale.
2020 — "Accusing Russia of Fascism. Polemics around Russia’s Belonging to Europe," Russia in Global Affairs, December.
2020 — “Pandemic Politics in Eurasia: Roadmap for a New Research Subfield,” Problems of Post-Communism 68, no. 1, collective article.
2020 — “Making Sense of Russia’s Illiberalism,” Journal of Democracy 31, no. 3: 115-129.
2020 — “Ideological Complementarity or Competition? The Kremlin, the Church, and the Monarchist Idea in Today's Russia,” Slavic Review 79, no. 2, 345-364.
2020 — “Ideological or Pragmatic? A Data-Driven Analysis of the Russian Presidential Grant Fund,” Russian Politics 5: 29-51, co-authored with Laura Howells.
2020 — "Urban Regimes in Russia’s Northern Cities: Testing a Concept in a New Environment," Arctic 73, no. 1, 53-66.
2019 — “Back From Utopia: How Donbas Fighters Reinvent Themselves in a Post-Novorossiya Russia,” Nationalities Papers 47, no. 5, 719–733.