Leslie Archambeault

Leslie Archambeault headshot

Leslie Archambeault

Professorial Lecturer

Part-time Faculty

Leslie is currently Managing Director, Humanitarian Policy at Save the Children where she leads on policy analysis and advocacy on all of Save the Children’s humanitarian policy and advocacy efforts with the U.S. government across crisis response and thematic workstreams. She was previously Senior Director (Acting) Global Development Policy, and Director of Gender Policy and Advocacy at Save the Children. Previous to her work with Save the Children, Leslie served as Plan International’s Global Humanitarian Policy and Advocacy lead (deployable), where she led on the federation-wide development, implementation, and coordination of crisis specific and thematic advocacy efforts at the country and international policy level related to girls rights in humanitarian settings, including with the UN Security Council’s Children and Armed Conflict and Women, Peace and Security agendas, forced displacement and the Global Compact on Refugees, child protection in emergencies, prevention and response to gender-based violence, and education in emergencies. She has worked for the conflict prevention and peacebuilding unit of the UNDP's Regional Hub for Arab States where she was responsible for crisis specific and regional/sub-regional conflict analyses and has also led research, policy analysis, and advocacy on issues under the Women, Peace and Security Agenda for UN Women's Peace and Security Team and Human Rights Watch’s Women’s Rights Division, including on forced marriage and sexual slavery in conflict contexts, and gender-responsive transitional justice.

Leslie has a Juris Doctor from Brooklyn Law School, a Master's in Global Affairs from NYU, and a B.A from Pace University. In May 2024, Leslie completed the prestigious MIT Seminar XXI program, committed to preparing future U.S. foreign policy and national security leaders. She was recognized as one of the 100 Most Influential People in Gender Policy in 2021 by Apolitical.

Humanitarian Policy and Practice; Gender Policy; Conflict Analysis; Child Rights; Gender-based violence prevention, mitigation and response; Advocacy.