Jisoo M. Kim

Jisoo M. Kim
Korea Foundation Associate Professor of History, International Affairs, and East Asian Languages and Literatures; Co-Director of the East Asia National Resource Center
Full-time Faculty
Jisoo M. Kim is Korea Foundation Associate Professor of History, International Affairs, and East Asian Languages and Literatures at George Washington University. She is Founding Director of the GW Institute for Korean Studies (2017-Present) and Founding Co-Director of the East Asia National Resource Center (2018-Present). She also serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Korean Studies. She specializes in gender, sexuality, law, emotions, and affect in Korean history. She is the author of The Emotions of Justice: Gender, Status, and Legal Performance in Chosŏn Korea (University of Washington Press, 2016), which was awarded the 2017 James Palais Prize of the Association for Asian Studies. She is also the co-editor of The Great East Asian War and the Birth of the Korean Nation by JaHyun Kim Haboush (Columbia University Press, 2016). She is currently working on a book project tentatively entitled Criminalizing Intimacy: Marriage, Concubinage, and Adultery Law in Korea, 1469-2015. She received her M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Cultures from Columbia University.
Korean and East Asian history, with interests in law, emotions, affect, gender and sexuality, crime and justice, forensic medicine, and the legal culture of East Asia.
Ph.D., Columbia University
IAFF 2091: East Asia: Past and Present
HIST 2605W: Gender, Power, and Sexuality in East Asia
HIST 3601: Two Koreas: Identities and Division
HIST 3630: History of Korea
HIST 6601: Asia: History, Memory, Violence
HIST 6630: Colloquium on Modern Korean History
The Emotions of Justice: Gender, Status, and Legal Performance in Chosŏn Korea (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015). Awarded the 2017 James B. Palais Book Prize of Association for Asian Studies.
Edited Book:
JaHyun Kim Haboush, The Great East Asian War of 1592 and the Birth of the Korean Nation. Edited by William Haboush and Jisoo M. Kim with Sixiang Wang, Hwisang Cho, and Ksenia Chizhova-Kim. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2016)
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
“Legal Disputes, Women’s Legal Voice, and Petitioning Rights in Late Joseon Korea.” In Rights-Claiming in South Korea, co-edited by Celeste Arrington and Patricia Goedde New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
“Neo-Confucianism, Women, and the Law in Chosŏn Korea.” In Dao Companion to Korean Confucian Philosophy, edited by Young-chan Ro, 383-95. New York: Springer, 2019.
“From Jealousy to Violence: Marriage, Family, and Confucian Patriarchy in Fifteenth Century Korea,” Acta Koreana vol. 20 no. 1 (June 2017): 91−110.
“Women’s Legal Voice: Language, Power, and Gender Performativity in Late Chosŏn Korea,” Journal of Asian Studies vol. 74 no. 3 (August 2015): 667−86.
“Law and Emotion: Tension between Filiality and Fidelity in a Property Dispute of Early Chosŏn Korea,” Tongbang hakji [Journal of Eastern studies] vol. 162 (June 2013): 203-39.
“Pŏp kwa kamjŏng: Chosŏn chŏn’gi chaesanpunjaeng ŭl t’onghae pon hyo wa yŏl ŭi kaldŭng 법과 감정: 조선전기 재산분쟁을 통해 본 효와 열의 갈등 [Law and Emotion: Tension between Filiality and Fidelity in a Property Dispute of Early Chosŏn Korea],” tr. by Choe Key-Sook and Chong Yong-Kyoung in Choe Key-Sook eds., Kamsŏng sahoe: kamsŏng ŭn ŏttŏk’ae munhwa tongryŏk yi toeonna 감성사회: 감성은 어떻게 문화동력이 되었나 [The Affective Society: How Affect Came to be the Source of Culture] (Seoul: Kŭl hang’ari Press, 2014), 81−107.
“Crossing the Boundary of Inner Quarters: Elite Women’s Petitioning Activity in Late Chosŏn Korea,” in Hyuk-Rae Kim ed., Korean Studies Forum vol. 4 (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2010), 221– 43.
“Individual Petitions: Petitions by Women in the Chosŏn,” in JaHyun Kim Haboush, ed., Epistolary Korea: Letters in the Communicative Space of the Chosŏn, 1392–1910 (New York: Columbia University Press, 2009), 68–76.