Elizabeth Chacko

Elizabeth Chacko
Professor of Geography and International Affairs
Full-time Faculty
Professor Chacko received Bachelor's and Master's degrees in geography from the University of Calcutta in India. She also obtained a graduate degree in Public Health and a Ph.D. in geography from UCLA. Dr. Chacko has taught geography at various institutions including Loreto College in Calcutta, UCLA in Los Angeles, and the George Washington University. She is primarily engaged in research on human migration and its ramifications — the transnational connections between immigrants and their sending countries/societies, the creation and maintenance of ethnic spaces by immigrant groups in the receiving country, identity formation and retention among first and second generation immigrants, factors that aid or deter immigrant inclusion in cities and the relationships between migration and development in the immigrant sending countries of Ethiopia and India. She has conducted field work for her research projects in India, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States. Prof. Chacko was named U.S. Professor of the Year from the District of Columbia in 2006 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. She is the recipient of a Fulbright scholarship to research the integration of different streams of Indian immigrants in Singapore (Fall, 2013). Dr. Chacko’s research has been supported by National Science Foundation and Social Science Research Council grants.
Immigration, urban geography, development, medical geography, and South Asia
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
GEOG 1001 Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG 2127 Population Geography
GEOG 3165 Geography of South Asia
GEOG 6223 Seminar: Population and Health
GEOG 6250 Geographical Perspectives on Development
- Migrants' Inclusion in Cities: Innovative Urban Policies and Practices. Marie Price and Elizabeth Chacko. Published in Spanish by the United Nations through UN-HABITAT and UNESCO. English edition will be published in late 2013.
- Contemporary World Regional Geography, 4th edition,, with M. Bradshaw, G. White and J. Dymond, (McGraw-Hill, 2012).
- Essentials of World Regional Geography, 2nd edition. George White, Joseph Dymond, Elizabeth Chacko, and Michael Bradshaw. (McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2011).
- Chacko, E. and P. Gebre. (2017). Engaging the Ethiopian diaspora: Policies, practices and performance. Chapter 8 in Africa and its Global Diaspora: The Policy and Politics of Emigration. Edited by J. Mangala. Palgrave Macmillan. Pages 219 – 249.
- Chacko, E. (2017). Exodus, Circulation and Return: Movements of high-skilled migrants from India in a Transnational Era. In Rethinking Skilled Migration: A Place-based and Spatial Perspective. Edited by Q. Wang and M. van Riemsdijk. Routledge Press. Pp. 211- 225.
- Chacko, E. and G. Sojo. (2016). Spaces of integration: International students in a global city. Chapter 22 in Race, Ethnicity and Place in a Changing America, Volume 3. Edited by J. W. Frazier, E. L. Tettey-Fio and N. F. Henry. SUNY Press. Pp. 335-343.