Daniel W. Peck

Dan Peck is an Associate with Booz Allen Hamilton where he is a senior instructor for Indo-Pacific Affairs teaching on the China Way of War (CWOW) team. With Booz Allen's CWOW team, Dan teaches long and short courses and provides executive training and wargame support covering China's military from strategic context to operational employment across the spectrum of conflict.
Mr. Peck has over 30 years of government service. He previously served as the Senior Director for China Policy at the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), 2014-2015, as the Director of Political Military Affairs at the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Washington Office 2015-2018, and as the Executive Director of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) of the U S. Congress from 2018 to 2024.
Mr. Peck has 22 years prior service in the U.S. Army, including a decade of tactical and operational assignments as an Armor and Cavalry officer and 12 years as a Foreign Area Officer (FAO) focused on China and the Asia-Pacific. During this time, Mr. Peck served as a military attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, as a military observer for a PLA exercise in China, as an observer at several RoC military exercises in Taiwan, as an advisor and trainer to the Afghan National Army, and as a senior military analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency. His military service includes two combat tours in Afghanistan, operational deployments to Kuwait and Bosnia, and overseas service in Korea and China.
Mr. Peck has been traveling to China since 1998. In addition to living in China for more than four years, he has conducted extensive research travel to China and the region, including several trips to Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, every province of China, and a dozen neighboring and regional countries. Most of this travel was for field research or carrying out U.S. government programs with or related to China and it's military. He has formally studied Chinese language at the Defense Language Institute (DLI) in Monterey, Capital Normal University (CNU) in Beijing, the International Youth University in Beijing, and the Middleberry Institute of International Studies (MIIS), in Monterey, CA.
China's military (The PLA); The RoC (Taiwan) Armed Forces; U.S.-China relations; U.S. national security interest in the Asia Pacific; U.S.-China military-to-military relations; PLA military plans, planning, and contingencies.
MA in National Security Affairs from the Naval Postgraduate School
BA in International Finance and Marketing from the University of Miami, FL
IAFF 6186.32 China's Military