Congress Ensures Continuity in US Policy Toward China and Taiwan

January 17, 2024

East-West Center Occasional Paper Congress Ensure Continuity in US Policy Toward China and Taiwan

The East-West Center published Professor of Practice of International Affairs Robert Sutter's most recent paper, "Congress Ensures Continuity in US Policy Toward China and Taiwan," as part of its Occasional Paper Series

The paper uses the findings of Professor Sutter's recent book, Congress and China Policy, Past Episodic, Recent Enduring Influence (Lexington Books 2024), to forecast no substantial change in US policy toward Taiwan as a result of the Taiwan elections. This is because bi-partisan majorities in Congress, continuing six years of efforts to defend America against very serious strategic, economic and governance challenges posed by Chinese government behavior, value greatly the role of Taiwan in assisting America to counter these varied Chinese challenges. And the Biden administration shares this calculation, as the two branches of government have worked together notably in substantially reinforcing US support for Taiwan following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and after  Chinese shows of force against Taiwan following House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. 

To learn more, read the complete paper for free online.