Alison S. Brooks

Alison S. Brooks
Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs; Director of University and External Relations for the GWU Center for the Advanced Study of Hominid Paleobiology
Full-time Faculty
Alison Brooks joined The George Washington University in 1972, and has been Professor of Anthropology since 1988. She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Harvard University in 1979. She also serves as Research Associate in Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution, and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Professor Brooks is actively involved in the training of scientists and museum personnel from African countries, and in the development and implementation of heritage policy in Africa. She edits a bulletin for teachers, entitled AnthroNotes, that is distributed three times a year to several hundred individuals and institutions interested in anthropological perspectives on current issues. She has led research projects in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Sweden, France, China, Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and Kenya.
Paleolithic archaeology; physical anthropology; paleoanthropology; ethnoarchaeology; geochronology; human evolution; politics of cultural heritage; central, southern, and northeastern Africa; northern China
Ph.D., Harvard University
- 2009 Brooks, A.S. "Thoughts on transitions." In M. Camps and P.R. Chauhan, eds., Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions: Methods, Theories, and Interpretations, p. v-ix. New York: Springer.
- 2005 Sager, R.J., D.M. Helgren and A.S. Brooks. People, Places and Change. Holt, Rinehart and Winston 774 p. 4th ed., orig. published 2001. Also produced in Eastern Hemisphere, Western World, and annotated teacher's editions.
- 2005 Yellen, J., A. Brooks, D. Helgren, M. Tappen, S. Ambrose, R. Bonnefille, J. Feathers, G. Goodfriend, K. Ludwig, P. Renne, and K. Stewart. "The archaeology of Aduma: Middle Stone Age sites in the Awash Valley, Ethiopia," PaleoAnthropology 3: 25-100.
- 2005 Brooks, A.S., J.E. Yellen, L. Nevell and G. Hartman. "Projectile technologies of the African MSA: Implications for modern human origins." In E. Hovers and S. Kuhn, eds., Transitions before the Transition: Evolution and Stability in the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age. New York: Kluwer Academics/Plenum.