Attiya Ahmad

Attiya Ahmad
Associate Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs
Full-time Faculty
Dr. Attiya Ahmad is an Associate Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs at The George Washington University (Washington DC, USA). Broadly conceived, her research focuses on the gendered interrelation of Islamic reform movements and political economic processes spanning the Middle East and South Asia, in particular, the greater Arabian Peninsula/Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean regions. Dr. Ahmad is currently working on a project focusing on the development of global halal tourism networks. She is the author of Everyday Conversions: Islam, Domestic Work, and South Asian Migrant Women in Kuwait (Duke Press, 2017), and is on the editorial boards of Feminist Studies, and Anthropological Quarterly.
Gender and feminist studies; Islam and Muslim societies; transnationalism and globalization; migration and diaspora studies; tourism studies; political economy; Middle East and South Asia studies
- Global Halal Tourism Networks
- Transnational labour migration and religious movements in the Arabian/Persian Gulf
Ph.D. 2009, Duke University
M.A. 2005, Duke University
B.A. Hons 2000, University of Toronto
Anth 1002 (old 002): Sociocultural Anthropology
Anth 2501 (121): Anthropology of Gender: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Anth 6391 (251): Anthropology of Religious Movements
Anth 6501 (257): Gender and Sexuality