Andrea Horvath Marques

Andrea Horvath Marques
Professorial Lecturer, Part-time professor on Global Mental Health
Part-time Faculty
School: Elliott School of International Affairs
Public health psychiatrist with national and international experience in consultation-liaison psychiatry, mental health research, teaching, research program administration and mental health policy development, at global centers in the US (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institutes of Health (NIH); Columbia University), and Brazil (University of São Paulo and Brazil’s National Unified Health System / Pan America Health Organization (PAHO).
As Medical Officer at NIMH, led the Global Mental Health Team and developed research programs on Global Mental Health Dissemination and Implementation (D&I), Suicide Prevention, and Integration of Mental Health Care at the NIMH’s Center for Global Mental Health Research. The research has focused on implementation science, global mental health, mental health disparities, and psychoneuroimmunology
Part-time professor on Global Mental Health at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University.
- Global Mental Health
- Dissemination and Implementation Science
- Suicide Prevention and Psychoneuroimmunology.
Focused on implementation science, global mental health, mental health disparities, and psychoneuroimmunology
Certification from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, ECFMG
Master of Public Health, Epidemiology
Columbia University, New York, NY.
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychiatry
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Residency in Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry, University of São Paulo Medical School, Brazil.
Residency in Psychiatry
Centre Hospitalier Sante-Anne, Clinique des Maladies Mentales et de L’Encéphale, Paris, France.
Doctor of Medicine
University of São Paulo Medical School, Brazil.
Part-time professor on Global Mental Health at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University.
Selected Publications
- TOLEDO, P; LOTUFO-NETO, F; VERDELI, H; GOULART, A; HORVATH MARQUES, A; SOLIS, AC; WANG, YP. Interpersonal psychotherapy for the treatment of obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Journal of Affective Disorder, September 2022.
- HONGTU, C, LEVKOFF, S; CHUENGSATIANSUP, K, SIHAPARK, S, GALLAGHER-THOMPSON, D; TONGSIRI, S; WISETPHOLCHAI, B; FRITZ, S; LAMONT, A; DOMLYN, A; WANDERSMAN, A; HORVATH MARQUES, A. Implementation Science in the Thai Context: A Geriatric Mental Health Cluster-randomized trial, Psychiatry Services June 2021
- TURNER MW, BOGDEWIC S, AGHA E, BLANCHARD C, STURKE R, PETTIFOR A, SALISBURY K, MARQUES AH, EXCELLENT ML, RAJAGOPAL N, RAMASWAMY R. Learning needs assessment for multi-stakeholder implementation science training in LMIC settings: findings and recommendations. Implement Sci Commun. 2021 Dec 4;2(1):134. doi: 10.1186/s43058-021-00238-2. PMID: 34863314; PMCID: PMC8642989.
- WAINBERG, M; OQUENDO, M; HORVATH MARQUES, A. Partnerships in Research to Implement and Disseminate Sustainable and Scalable EBPs (Evidence-Based Practices) in Sub-Saharan Africa (PRIDE SSA). Psychiatry Services Jul 1, 2021 72(7):802-811.
- WEINE, S. HORVATH MARQUES, A, SINGH, M; PRINGLE, B. Global Clinical Mental Health Research: Time for the Children. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, November 2020; 59(11):1208-1211
- ESTER, WA, JANSEN, PW, HOEK, W, VERHULST, FC, JADOOE, VW, MARQUES, AH, TIEMEIER, H, SUSSER, ES, ROZA, SJ. Fetal size and eating behavior in childhood: a prospective cohort study. Int J Epidemiology, 2019, Feb 1, 48 (1):124-133
- NOVAES, MA, MARQUES, AH; HUNGERBUEHLER, I; DIAS, RS. Telemental Health in Brazil: Current Context and Initiative. Brazilian Psychiatric Association, Updated Program in Psychiatry - Programa de Atualização em Psiquiatria (PROPSIQ)”, April, 2016 Book Chapter, Panamericana.
- SOLIS, ACO; MARQUES, AH; DOMINGUEZ, WV; PRADO, EBA; PANUTTI, CM; LOTUFO, RFM; LOTUFO-NETO, F. Evaluation of periodontitis in hospital outpatients with major depressive disorder. A focus on gingival and circulating cytokines. Brain Behavioral and Immunity, November 2015
- MARQUES, AH; OLIVEIRA, PA; SCOMPARINI, LB; SILVA,UMR; CRISTINE, A; DORETTO,V; MEDEIROS, MV; SCIVOLETTO, S. Community-Based Global Health Program for Maltreated Children and Adolescents in Brazil: The Equilibrium Program (“TEP”). Frontiers in Psychiatry, July 30; 6; 102, 2015.
- VERKUIL, B; BROSSCHOT, JF; MARQUES, AH; Kampschroer, K; Heerwagen, JH; Sternberg, E; Thayer, JF. Gender differences in the impact of daily sadness on circadian HRV. Psychophysiology, Sep 4, 2015.
- DIAS, RS; MARQUES, AH; NOVAES, MA; MIGUEL, EC, WEN, CL, NOVAES, MA, TAVARES, H. Telementalhealth in Brazil: Proposal of Integration of Mental Health Into Primary Care. Arch Clin.Psychiatry, 2015; 42(2): 41-43.
- MARQUES, AH. Therapeutic Strategies for Treatment of Depression. CAN, 2015, protocolo 99506 2014, Brazil.
- SILVERMANN, M., MONSEN, AL; TEIXEIRA, A; MARQUES, AH. Maternal nutrition, stress and Physical Fitness: Impact on CNS development and Psychopathology. Special Issue of Brain Research, Nov 4, 2014.
- REBELLO, T; MARQUES, A; GUREJE, O, PIKE, K. Innovative Strategies for Closing the Mental Health Treatment Gap Globally. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 2014 Jul; 27(4):308-14.
- TEIXEIRA, AL; RODRIGUES, DH; MARQUES, AH; MIGUEL, EC; FONTENELLE, LF. Searching for the Immune Basis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Neuroimmunomodulation, 2014; 21(2-3): 152-158.
- RUDOLPH, KE; WANDB, GS; STUARTC, EA; GLASSA, TA; MARQUES,AH; DUNCKO,R; MERIKANGAS, KR. The Association between Cortisol and Neighborhood Disadvantage in a U.S. Population-Based Sample of Adolescents. Health Place. 2014 Jan; 25:68-77.
- SOLIS, ACO; MARQUES, AH; PANUTTI, CM; LOTUFO, RFM; LOTUFO-NETO, F. Evaluation of periodontitis in hospital outpatients Major Depressive Disorder. Journal of Periodontal Research, 2014, Feb; 49(1):77-84.
- CENDON, S; MARQUES, AH. Immune Process: An Integrative Perspective. In: Manual of Integrative Medicine: Clinical Care Application. Albert Einstein. Ed. Manole, December 2014.
- MARQUES, AH; ROTH, C; SUSSER, E; BJØRKE-MONSEN, AL. The Influences of Maternal Prenatal Nutrition and Stress on Fetal Immune System and Potential Impact on Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Front Neurosci. 2013, Jul; 31(7): 120.
- VALIENGO, LL; SOUZA MGS; MARQUES AH; MORENO DH; JURUENA MF; ANDREAZZA AC; GATTAZ WF; VIEIRA RM. Plasma cortisol in first episode drug naïve mania: differential levels in euphoric versus irritable mood. Journal Affective Disorder. 2012, April;138(1-2):149-52.
- CAPPI, C; MUNIZ, R; SAMPAIO, AS; CORDEIRO, Q; BRETANI, H; PALACIOS, SA, MARQUES, AH; VALLADA, H, MIGUEL, EC; GUILHERME, L; HOUNIE, AG. Associations study between functional polymorphisms in the TNF-alpha gene and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 2012, Feb, 70 (2):87-90.
- SILVERMAN, MN; PRADO, EBA; THAYER, JF; STERNBERG, EM; MARQUES AH. Psychoneuroimmunology. In: Clínica Psiquiátrica. Ed: Miguel,EC, Gattaz, GF; Gentil,V, Ed Malone, São Paulo, Brazil, 2011.
- SILVERMAN, MN; HEIM, CM; NATER, UM; MARQUES, AH; STERNBERG, EM. Neuroendocrine and immune contributors to fatigue.2010; 2(5): 338-46.
- THAYER, JF, VERKUIL, B, BROSSCHOT, JF; KAMPSCHROER, K; CHRISTIE, I; WEST, A; STERLING, C; CHRISTIE, IC; ABERNETHY, D; SOLLER, JJ, CIZZA, G; MARQUES, AH; & STERNBERG, EM. The Effects of the Physical Work Environment on Physiological Measures of Stress. Eur.J. Cardiov. Prev. Rehabil. 2010, Aug; 17(4):431-9.
- MARQUES, AH; STERNBERG, EM. Mind-body and effect of emotions on physical health: The power of emotions under the immune system. National Geographic, Cerebro y Emociones, Spain, 2010:105-111.
- MARQUES, AH; SILVERMAN, MN; STERNBERG, EM. Evaluating the Stress Systems by applying non-invasive methodologies: Measurements of Neuroimmune Biomarkers in the Sweat, Heart Rate Variability and Salivary Cortisol: Neuroimmunomodulation, 2010;17(3):205-8.
- MARQUES, AH; SILVERMAN, MN; STERNBERG, EM. Glucocorticoid Dysregulations and Their Clinical Correlates: From Receptors to Therapeutics. Annal of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009, November 1179:1-18.
- CIZZA, G; MARQUES, AH; Eskandari, F; CHRISTIE, IC; TORVIK, S; SILVERMAN, MN; PHILLIPS, TM; STERNBERG, EM.: Elevated Neuroimmune Biomarkers in the Sweat Patches and Plasma of premenopausal Women with Women with Major Depressive Disorder in Remission: The Power Study, Biol Psychiatry, 2008; 64 (10), 2008: 907-911.
- ADLER, UC; MARQUES, AH, CALIL, H.M.: Inflammatory aspects of depression. Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets, 2008, Marc; 7(1): 19-23.
- MARQUES, AH; CIZZA, G.; STERNBERG, EM.:Brain-Immune interactions and implications in Psychiatric disorders: Rev Brasi Psiquiatria Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 29 (Suppl S27:32), 2007.
- MARQUES, AH, Sternberg, EM.: The Biology of Spirituality and Health. Altruism and Health Perspectives from Empirical Research. Ed: Stephen G. Post, Oxford, 2007.
- JURUENA, MF, MARQUES, AH; MELLO, AF; MELLO, MF. A paradigm for understanding and treating psychiatric illness: Rev Brasi Psiquiatria Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 2007, 29, Suppl S1:2.
- 33. DEAK-MARQUES, AH.; SOLIS, ACO, KURGANT, D; SATO, F; LOTUFO, RFM; ROSS, J; PRADO, EB; LOTUFO-NETO, F: Cytokine Profiles in Women with Different Subtypes of Major Depressive Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2005, 41 (1-2):152-9
- DEAK-MARQUES, AH; PRADO, EBA; LOTUFO-NETO, F. Immunological alterations in Depression Depression: diagnostic and treatment for the general clinic. Ed :Horimoto, FC ; Ayache D ; Souza, JA. Ed Roca, São Paulo, 2005.
- DEAK-MARQUES,AH; CIZZA, G, ESKANDARI, F; TORVIK, S; CHRISTIE, IC; STERNBERG, EM; PHILLIPS, TM: Measurement of cytokines in sweat patches and plasma in healthy women: validation in a controlled study. J Immunol. Methods, 2006, 315, p99-109.
- MARQUES-DEAK, AH; CIZZA, G ; STERNBERG, EM;: Brain-Immune interactions and disease susceptibility. Molecular Psychiatry, 2005; 1-12.